
Create A Better World | Learn Sustainable Environment Practices In Brooklyn, NY

Every day, the things we choose to do can impact nature, the weather, and animals. What we eat and how many kids we have can make a big difference. We can help by making choices that protect the environment and give space for wild plants and animals. Even though what each of us does is important, we need to work together and learn sustainable environment practices to create a better world. 

Learn Sustainable environmental practices In Brooklyn, NY

Here are a few changes that one should follow in your daily routine for creating A Sustainable Environment – A Better World.

Think Twice Before Shopping.

Everything we buy leaves a mark on the environment. From making the product to throwing away the packaging, it all adds up. Even if you recycle or compost, the harm is already done. So, before you buy something, think if you truly need it. If you do, try buying used instead of new. Look for things made from materials that are better for the environment and with less packaging and shipping.

Ditch Plastic And Switch To Reuse.

Around 14 million tons of plastic find its way into the ocean each year, making up most of the garbage in there. This harms lots of animals like seabirds, sea turtles, and seals; they can swallow it or get caught in it and die. You can help by reducing your plastic use. Try using reusable bags when you shop, say no to single-use water bottles, bags, and straws, pick items at the store that aren’t wrapped in plastic whenever you can, and switch from using things once to using them many times. Every time you avoid using plastic, it helps our planet.

Take Extinction Off Your Plate.

Raising animals for meat is really bad for the environment. It uses tons of water, creates pollution, releases lots of greenhouse gasses, and destroys habitats. When you eat more plant foods and less meat, you help the environment. Plus, food waste is a big problem. In the U.S., almost 40% of the food we eat ends up in the trash! That’s a waste of land, water, and other resources used to make it. You can help by planning your shopping wisely and eating what you buy so food doesn’t go to waste.

Choose Organic

Choosing organic products can really help nature and our planet. In the U.S., more than 2 billion pounds of pesticides are used every year! These chemicals hurt animals and their homes, even threatening the survival of many species. They also make our air, water, and soil dirty and get into the food we eat.

Be Water-Wise

Saving water is really important, especially because more people need it, and we’re seeing really bad droughts. You can help by taking shorter showers, fixing leaky toilets, and using appliances that don’t need much water. Another way is to use xeriscaping in your yard. This means planting native plants that don’t need a lot of water and don’t need much looking after. 

Join Sutras And Learn Sustainable environmental practices In Brooklyn, NY

Join Sutras to discover how to help the environment sustainably. Learn easy, sustainable environment practices in Brooklyn, NY,  to make a big difference! Join us and become an eco-friendly earthling!
